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  1. Woolwax 12 oz. Spray Cans 2 pack special. FREE SHIPPING

Woolwax 12 oz. Spray Cans 2 pack special. FREE SHIPPING

Your Price: $29.50
Part Number: wwas12-2
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Special Promo Sale for limited Time. 
(2)  12 oz. cans of Woolwax™ aerosol spray
Free shipping included.  

Woolwax™  lanolin spray provides long tern corrosion protection and lubrication for any moving parts. 
Also great to stop corrosion on battery terminals. Woolwax™ is non- conductive. 
We have lightning fast shipping.  Order today and have delivered to your home or home or business in a few days.  

Woolwax™ lanolin spray has almost no smell or odor (unlike other lanolin sprays that have that horrible funky film smell). 

Great for:
Battery terminals (Woolwax™ is non-conductive). 
Garage door tracks
Snow blowers
Lawn mowers
Chains on bikes, forklifts, and more
Door Hinges
Any moving parts that need ling term corrosion protection and lubrication. 

Rust areas on your vehicle undercarriage ?  - Woolwax™ aerosol cans may be the perfect solution.  The Woolwax™ spray cans are the same thick formula as our bulk products (gallons, pails). When the propellant escapes after spraying, you are left with a very thick coating that is very resistant to wash-off. 

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